Resolutions-for-Never and Other Dumb Dreams with New Year Wishes!

Hello, everybody!

I have never made resolutions for the New Year, all these 23 years. Somehow, it seemed lame and funny, because knowing me, (certainly, like many of you) I am not someone who does everything I plan and resolve to do, every day or even on most of the days.
And it’s not like we can plan the next moment always, because we humans are so fragile and uncertain. We are so ephemeral and weak when we consider the single, simple fact that we don’t know when our last breath will be. But, this year, I thought, may be it won’t hurt to make some resolutions that can be done, and have to be done. Only that the list should include things that you are sure of and the validity of the list has to be ‘forever‘. 😀 May be then, things might work.

The nature of us human beings is such that it’s so perfectly imperfect. 🙂 And the pursuit of perfection is such a wild goose chase, if you know what I mean. But only when we take that chance, only when we try to chase that wild goose, will we be even good at what we do, if not perfect. It doesn’t make sense when we think, ‘Whatever I do isn’t going to be perfect, so I am stopping trying.’
So, why don’t we take advantage of the human nature of unpredictability and uncertainty? Let me explain. 🙂 I’m just saying, let’s surprise ourselves everyday. The only way to surprise ourselves is to be good, to do something good everyday.
We are as unpredictable as the first line of a poem. (I know, that’s a heavy comparison, but a good and expected one, coming from a poet.) We don’t know how we would react to a situation. We only think that we know it. We only know that’s what we are thinking. But come a moment when you’re facing a strife, or a moment of ecstasy, either we go dumb for a moment or we scream. Even as we do it, though we don’t at that moment, later it can surprise us. Come to think of it. So, surprise yourself with a deed that you hadn’t included in your mental resolution for the new year. It’s going to be fun.
🙂 And regarding the uncertainty – everything we do is often edged with uncertainty. Or sometimes, as far as another group of people are concerned, they have too much certainty, sureness in everything they do or say or choose.

Don’t you think a certain amount of uncertainty is actually even healthy? We do a lot of things, expect some outcome when we do all that or some kind of consequence. The point is, when we are all but full of certainty and expectations instead of anticipations and a thought of “what will be?”, we are bound to be disappointed at some point of time. So when you do something, do it with confidence but for every input you give, expect only one-third of the output. 😀 In more than one way, it’s the only way to reduce disappointment.

Frankly, I’m not telling you to be a pessimist on New Year’s Eve, though I know I do sound like one, but being a pessimist has its advantages. I couldn’t find a mistake in a quote I read a long time back. I don’t remember the exact quote, but I know what it said. It said, A pessimist has two reasons to be pleased – either he is right or he gets a pleasant surprise. 😀

A good enough reason to be one, I guess.
So, let’s begin this New Year with a Poem.

Shall we? …. Let me write it first.
…. Okay, I’m back with a poem! 🙂

Thousands of resolutions surround
Us tonight, as the year’s hours fade
Into a new dawn, a new year just around
The corner; moments and laughs jade
Into memories and are tucked silently
Into another year’s diaries and albums
To be pushed under carpets nonchalantly,
While some bury all those conundrums
With those memories, but only to make
More of them, and laugh again at it-
At the sheer joke of repetitions that take
Most of your time, and another bit…

On this New Year’s Eve, let’s pray
For those beautiful souls who made
Our lives meaningful and went away
Leaving us with memories that stayed…
And let’s wish all joy and goodness
To those who stood by us when we
Needed a hand, a shoulder and tenderness,
And gave us a hug and just let us be…
Tonight, let’s weave some dreams
Of a better world with love and peace,
Tonight, let’s bring hopes and beams
To lips that need a smile and release…

Tomorrow, let’s wake up to a new day,
To a new year of hills and vales
And roller coaster rides everyday
And voyages with high-set sails…
Tomorrow, let’s look with new eyes
At the pains that made our eyes tear,
And chide them aside and look at the skies
And wait for a joyous rain this year…
Tomorrow, let’s wrap our sweet memory
Of this year’s vesper and save it to open,
Share, laugh, and remember as we hurry
With our lives, with much forgotten…

Well, that poem was longer than expected. A pleasant surprise, because I haven’t written a poem for days. 🙂

So you see what I mean!

Meanwhile, what do I have for a ‘resolution-just-in-case’ this year?

*I’m planning to finish writing my novel by half of this year. (Gosh!)
*Reading more books – I haven’t read much this year.
*Finding a publisher for my second poetry book.
*Blogging more and sensibly.
*Staying in love with Poetry. (easiest, I know. Don’t frown at me.)
*Being a positive person, now that I know how to do it. 😉
Speaking of positive attitude and optimism, what’s the greatest height of optimism?
Let’s see, I just came to think of it and I have already mentioned it above. Here’s it:
A pessimist has two reasons to be pleased – either he is right or he gets a pleasant surprise. 😀

So, Happy New Year, Everybody! 🙂
Be good to yourself and to others and keep your hearts open! Life is not that bad if you know how to live it. 🙂 You just have to grow that passion lying dormant within you.

With Loving Wishes and Prayers, Sana

About Sana Rose

A medico in love with the pen since 13. Author of 'The Torrent from My Soul: Poems of A Born Dreamer'. Have more collections awaiting publication. Still gliding my pen to discover new horizons in poetry. Writing fiction, too, with a passion in Family and Relationships genre. Has a thing or two for matters of the human mind and heart. When not envisaging a story, photography seems interesting. Based in Calicut, Kerala - India.
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1 Response to Resolutions-for-Never and Other Dumb Dreams with New Year Wishes!

  1. Wow! I love the poem Sana, It is so true. And good luck with your new year’s resolutions! I hope you find that publisher and finish your novel and read more books (I love to read) and blog more and everything else really!

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